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Expressions of Interest to join 2024 VIIN Young Investigator Committee
We are seeking expressions of interest from young investigators * who would like to join the VIIN Young Investigator Committee for 2024 for a 2 year term of commitment **.
The Hertzog Oration
After over a decade steering VIIN and the Lorne Infection and Immunity Conferences, Prof Paul Paul will be stepping down as co-convenor of both initiatives at the conclusion of the 2022 Lorne meeting. The Hertzog Oration recognises Paul's foundational role and contribution to the network and conference in perpetuity.
The Hartland Oration 2023
Professor Elizabeth Hartland was VIIN Co-Convenor between 2009 and 2017. In honour of Liz’s contribution to VIIN, the network is delighted to present the Hartland Oration at the upcoming Lorne Infection and Immunity Conference. The awardee of the best VIIN Young Investigator Symposium ECR talk in 2021 will be invited to deliver this prestigious talk.
12th Lorne Infection and Immunity Conference
ECR awards, subsidised student registrations, an amazing speaker list, networking and social events, and the return to our face-to-face meeting format combined with the advantages of online participation, mean participation is accessible to everyone and there is every reason to join in.
Spotlight on the Department of Microbiology, Monash University
The Department of Microbiology at Monash University is a leading research and teaching department, covering aspects of bacteriology, virology and parasitology. It encompases 15 research groups and is home to a number of fellows of the NHMRC, ARC and Australian Academy of Science.