Prof Menno van Zelm

Lab Head
Monash University

"see above"

Licensing opportunities

Two patent application involving differential diagnosis of allergies, immune monitoring of allergen immunotherapy and quantification of immune memory to infection or vaccination, incl COVID-19 with recombinant allergen tetramers

Contract research opportunities

see above
ee above

Other opportunities

see above
ee above

Research Activities

Research aims
In the past 10 years, our group has developed, patented and applied new technologies to ex vivo evaluate antigen-specific, human B-cell memory following infection, vaccination and treatment intervention. We will apply these new technologies for quantitative measurements of immune memory and thereby systematise the provision and use of an evidence base for clinical care and assessing vaccination strategies.Current research

Current research lines include:
  1. Defining the contribution of rare and common genetic variants to the severity and heterogeneity of disease in patients with predominantly antibody deficiency;
  2. The impact of persistent viral infections and intestinal microbiota in young children on T-cell and B-cell memory, and immune-mediated diseases (esp. Celiac disease and allergies);
  3. Abnormal IgE responses and memory B cells in allergic asthma and anaphylaxis, and how IgG induced by allergen-specific immunotherapy inhibits IgE-mediated effector cell activation.
  4. Diversity, specificity and durability of B-cell memory following vaccination or natural infection with zoonotic viruses (influenza, SARS-CoV2)


Human B and T cells; flow cytometry, single cell RNA-seq

Disease Models

primary immunodeficiency, allergy, COVID-19

Research Images

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