Young Investigator Symposium 2016
24 October 2016
The 2016 VIIN Young Investigator Symposium was busier than ever with two Science Bite sessions, two poster sessions and two keynote speakers at Walter and Eliza Hall Institute on Friday 14 October. Professor Vicky Avery, Eskitis Institute for Drug Discovery at Griffith University (pictured below right) began the day with her keynote presentation Drug Discovery: Academia to Industry and back again!. Vicky had flown down from Queensland for the day but found the time to stay and chat with local students and postdoctoral researchers over morning tea.
See more photos on the VIIN Facebook Page >
The second keynote was given by A/Prof Jason Mackenzie from the Peter Doherty Institute at the University of Melbourne. To view Jason's presentation Zika and Norovirus; Olympic champions in full click on the image below.

This year there were also more prizes than ever before awarded to presenters and audience members:
VIIN Young Investigator Awards – Registration and an invitation to speak at the 7th Lorne Infection and Immunity Conference, February 2017:
Postdoc Awardee: Rhys Grinter, Monash University, Department of Microbiology at the Biomedicine Discovery Institute
Student Awardee: Charlotte Nejad, Hudson Institute of Medical Research
$300 Science Bite Prizes:
Provided by KNF: Che Stafford, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute
Provided by ThermoFisher: Angela Harrison, University of Melbourne, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
$300 Poster Prizes:
Provided by Micromon: Simone Park, University of Melbourne, Department of Microbiology and Immunology
Provided by Merck: Catarina Almeida, University of Melbourne, Department of Microbiology and Immunology
$200 Poster Prizes, provided by VIIN:
Youry Kim, University of Melbourne, Department of Microbiology and Immunology
Cara Nethercott, Monash University, Department of Microbiology
$50 Best Student Question Prizes:
James Ong, Hudson Institute
George Mbogo, La Trobe Institute for Molecular Science
Gavin Brooks, Monash University, Department of Immunology and Pathology
Lee Yeoh, University of Melbourne, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Rhiannon Jenkins, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute
Thank you to the presenters, chairs, prize judges and organising committee for making the day such a success. Thank you also to VIIN's Contributors for their ongoing support which allows the VIIN to put on this day at no cost to individual attendees, and to the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute for hosting the event.