Dr Abhilasha Tiwari

Postdoctoral Fellow
The Ritchie Centre
Hudson Institute of Medical Research


Research Activities

Dr Abhilasha Tiwari (Abhi) is a ‘SIEF-STEM+ Business’ Postdoctoral Research Fellow at The Ritchie Centre, Hudson Institute of Medical Research and Monash University. She is working with Profs Graham Jenkin and Mark Kirkland on use of expanded cord blood stem cells for treatment ofneurological disorders. Prior to this, Abhi was employed as an Industrial Postdoctoral Fellow, working in collaboration with Nohla Therapeutics (formerly known as Cytomatrix) and Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Washington. This research focused on development of closed system stem cell expansion of cord blood derived hematopoietic stem cells for potential clinical applications. Abhi completed her PhD in 2012, working on an Indo-Australian collaborative project between Deakin University, Australia and Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, India, studying ways to enhance cord blood stem cell expansion on biomimetic matrices for use in hematological disorders.

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