Prof Steven Gerondakis

Australian Centre for Blood Diseases
Monash University

Research Activities

NF-kB signalling, MAPK signalling, immune system development and function.


Intracellular signalling, transcription, cell biology


Andreas Strasser
Frances Shannon
Ranjan Sen
Ranjeny Thomas
Mark Febbbraio
Ian Wicks
Dale Godfrey
Steve Daley/Chris Goodnow
Paul Gleeson

Genetically Modified Organisms

NF-kB mutant mice

Other Lab Members

Dr. Raffi Gugasyan
Dr. Ashish Banerjee
Dr. George Grigoriadis
Dr. Adjithkumar
Ms. Ralene Grumont
Ms. Sonia Guzzardi

Other members with similar research interests

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Infection and Immunity Division Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research SEE FULL PROFILE >

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Centre for Innate Immunity and Infectious Diseases Hudson Institute of Medical Research SEE FULL PROFILE >

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