Dr Niamh Mangan

Senior Research Officer
Centre for Innate Immunity and Infectious Diseases
Hudson Institute of Medical Research


Research Activities

Dr Mangan is a research scientist and emerging expert in immunology of infections and inflammation. Her research interests lie primarily in understanding cellular mechanisms of modulation and suppression of the immune response in infections and inflammation. Her current research examines the role of interferon, cytokine and receptor signaling in immune regulation, in particular characterising the novel cytokine interferon epsilon (IFNe) in the regulation of mucosal immune responses.


Characterising cell types of low frequency e.g. innate-like immune cells in mucosal organs including the reproductive tract, the skin and the lungs.
Phenotyping of transgenic/knockout mouse models of type 1 and 2 immune responses in infection and inflammation.
16 colour flow cytometry
Cytokine bead arrays, ELISA
Human and mouse primary mucosal epithelial cell preparations
RNA analysis: RT-PCR, microarray, Fluidigm


Dr Michael Gantier
Dr Marcel Nold
Dr Claudia Nold
Prof Luke O'Neill
Prof James McCluskey
Dr Gabrielle Belz
Dr Lisa Mielke
Dr Aaron Irving
Prof Caroline Gargett
Dr Jemma Evans
Prof Phil Hansbro
Dr Jay Horvat
Prof Paul Hertzog

Disease Models

Experimental mouse models of reproductive tract infections - Herpes Simplex Virus 2, Candida albicans or Chlamydia muridarum.
Influenza virus lung infections
Colitis models- Dextran sodium sulphate

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