Dr Raffi Gugasyan

Laboratory Head, Lymphocyte Biology Group (Gugasyan Laboratory)
Centre for Biomedical Research
Burnet Institute


Research Activities

The Lymphocyte Biology Group (Gugasyan Laboratory) is focused on understanding the molecular signalling events that coordinate the development of fully functional T and B lymphocytes. This process is crucial to the immune system as it leads to the production of fully armed lymphocytes that are capable of mounting an immune response against various pathogens and infectious diseases. Generating fully functional lymphocytes also requires these cells to have the capacity to distinguish the body’s own tissue from foreign pathogens, and failure to do so is linked to autoimmune disease and malignancy.

The two main research areas of the Lymphocyte Biology Group are:
  • Understanding the molecular and cellular signals that promote the development and function of T and B lymphocytes
  • Examining how lymphocyte function is impaired that drives the development of autoimmune disease or cancer

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Upcoming Events

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    VIIN Young Investigator Symposium 2024

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    Lorne Infection and Immunity Conference 2024

    Mantra Lorne MORE INFO
  • Nov 8

    VIIN Young Investigator Symposium 2024

    Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Monash University MORE INFO