Dr Paul Gilson

Laboratory Head
Centre for Biomedical Research
Burnet Institute


Research Activities

Parasite invasion
Understanding how malaria parasites invade their red blood cell hosts namely, the roles of parasite invasion ligands and cellular signalling events. Invasion ligands and signalling pathways are potential vaccine and drug targets.

Host cell modification
Malaria parasites extensively modify their red blood cell hosts by exporting 100s of proteins into them which help the parasite acquire nutrients to grow fast and to avoid host immunity. Knowing how parasites traffic proteins into their host cells is important because this could be a potential drug target.


Molecular biology
Engineering transgenic parasites with GFP and luciferase fusion proteins
Mutational analysis of parasites
Fluorescence microscopy, Super-resolution microscopy, Video microscopy
Proteomics, phosphoproteomics


A/Prof Tania de Koning-Ward
Prof James Beeson
Dr Justin Boddey
Dr Brad Sleebs
Dr Darren Creek
Dr Sheena McGowan
Prof Peter Scammells
Prof Susan Charman

Disease Models

Plasmodium falciparum

Genetically Modified Organisms

Plasmodium falciparum

Other Lab Members

Dr Greta Weiss
Prof Brendan Crabb
Dr Hayley Bullen
Dr Coralie Boulet
Dr Oliver Looker
Molly Schneider

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