Dr Michael de Veer

Research Fellow
Department of Physiology
Monash University


Contract research opportunities

Our laboratory has a sheep model of lymphatic cannulation, used to study afferent and efferent lymph following administration of immunogenic compounds.

Research Activities

Characterisation of adjuvant effects using an ovine pseudo-afferent lymphatic cannulation model. This allows for real time collection of cells draining from the vaccination or infection site and is ideal for tracking which cell types take up antigen, get recruited to the site and subsequently drain to lymph nodes via the lymphatics.
Adjuvant and vaccine development.
Exosome and microvesicle trafficking studies in lymphatics.
Very early immune responses induced by allergens.


Ovine lymphatic cannulation, adjuvant research, innate immunity


Pfizer Animal Health
Meredith O'Keefe (Burnet Institute)
Robyn O'Hehir (Alfred Hospital)
Anne Sorstedt (Norway)
Dr Michael Gantier

Disease Models

Sheep vaccination and infection models.
Ovine asthma and allergy models to house dust mite and peanut allergen.

Other Lab Members

Dr. Jill Pleasance (postdoc)
Ms Jenna Van Gramberg (PhD student)
Ms Melanie Neeland (honours student)

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