Prof Diana Hansen

Laboratory Head
Department of Microbiology
Monash University

Research Activities

Systems immunology approaches to identify:
  • Molecular mechanisms of immunity and susceptibility to Plasmodium faciparum and Plasmodium vivax
  • Biomarkers of severe dengue
  • Correlates of immunity to dengue infecion


CyTOFFlow CytometryRNA-sequencingATAC-sequencingCytometric bead arraysFunctional assaysMicroscopyClinical studiesAnimal models

Disease Models

Murine model of malaria


Research Images

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Upcoming Events

  • Nov 8

    VIIN Young Investigator Symposium 2024

    Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Monash University MORE INFO
  • Feb 19

    Lorne Infection and Immunity Conference 2024

    Mantra Lorne MORE INFO
  • Nov 8

    VIIN Young Investigator Symposium 2024

    Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Monash University MORE INFO