A/Prof Eric Hanssen

Bio21 Molecular Science and Biotechnology Institute
University of Melbourne


Research Activities

Electron and cryoelectron microscopy/tomography


Electron microscopy and immuno-electron microscopy
Cryo EM


Prof. Geoff McFadden (Univeristy of Melbourne)
Prof. Leann Tilley (Univeristy of Melbourne)
Prof. Alan Cowman (WEHI)
Prof. Mary Galinsky (Emory Univeristy, USA)
Prof. Carolyn Larabell (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA)
Prof Brian Cooke

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Other members with similar research interests

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Infection and Immunity Division Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research SEE FULL PROFILE >

A/Prof Stuart Ralph

Department of Biochemistry and Molecular BIology The University of Melbourne SEE FULL PROFILE >

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Burnet Institute SEE FULL PROFILE >