Miss Cassandra Stanton

PhD Student
Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Microbiology
La Trobe University


Research Activities

I am a recent PhD graduate and currently working as a casual Research Officer at La Trobe University. Open to new work opportunities within genomics, microbiology, healthcare and diagnostics.

My PhD focued on isolating and characterising bacteriophages infective for important clinical and environmental pathogens as potential therapies. This included TEM imaging, next generation sequencing of genomes and growth kinetics of the phages with their hosts. I also gained in-depth knowledge and practice of molecular microbiology techniques including qPCR, cloning and vector design (DNA extraction and manipulation - PCR,oligo design, restriction digest and ligation and golden gate DNA assembly). 
I have extensive experience in running and managing an Illumina MiSeq (and more recently Oxford Nanopore MinION) for sequencing of bacterial and viral genomes and microbiome metagenomics. I have a fundamental knowledge and skills in bioinformatics for DNA sequencing analysis including raw read QC, read mapping, de novo assembly, annotation of genomes, SNP analysis and phylogenetics. 


DNA sequencing, bacteriology, molecular microbiology, bacterial and phage genomics 

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